IVC Filter Injury Research
Matthews & Associates attorneys have reviewed thousands of internal documents and dozens of published medical studies. They have also consulted with several leading experts in the field. These reviews and consultations have found, unfortunately, that mounting evidence indicates most IVC filters will eventually fail. In addition, many temporary filters are not being retrieved in a timely fashion, and many IVC filter implantees are unaware they have a filter implanted.
Several different injuries may constitute a potential IVC filter case. The firm is investigating cases in which one of the following IVC filter injuries obtain:
1) any part of the IVC filter fractured or broke off;
2) the IVC filter or a part of the IVC filter moved or migrated from its original location;
3) the filter perforated the inferior vena cava or other organ;
4) the filter is embedded or tilted;
5) a doctor tried to remove the filter without success;
6) a doctor recommended removal but felt the procedure was too risky;
7) a doctor diagnosed someone, AFTER the filter was implanted, with one of the following medical conditions, which could be associated with the IVC filter:
a. caval thrombosis;
b. pulmonary embolism;
c. DVT /post-thrombotic syndrome; or
d. thrombosis/embolism.
Filter Failure more likely over time
Virtually all of the medical evidence that our attorneys have reviewed indicates that the longer an IVC filter remains in the body, the more likely it is to fail. In addition, the medical literature we have reviewed indicates that damage caused by the filter tends to be progressive.
For these reasons, people with an IVC filter in place might be wise to get screened even if they have had a prior test which showed that the filter was intact and in place.
Statutes of Limitations Issues
If upon testing and screening by a doctor, someone is diagnosed with one of the seven conditions listed above, that person might may want to contact an attorney to consider an IVC filter lawsuit. Anyone who has had complications arising from the removal or attempted removal of an IVC filter, or has been diagnosed by a doctor with any of the conditions above, or who has experienced a failed attempted removal of the filter, could trigger a deadline to file a lawsuit in court. That person might be wise to contact an attorney if they do not already have legal representation. Lawsuits have strict time limits for filing, and IVC filter lawsuits are no different.
- IVC Filter Lawsuit
- Bard IVC Filter Lawsuit
- IVC Filters not FDA Approval
- Retrievable IVC Filters not retrieved

by Matthews & Associates