The research was based on 350,000 mostly male military veterans who were prescribed PPIs or H2 blocker drugs to treat heartburn or protect the stomach. PPIs and H2 blockers both allegedly work by reducing stomach acid. The researchers found that those who took PPIs had a greater risk of death from any cause compared with those who took H2 blockers or nothing at all.
Proton Pump Inhibitor drugs are commonly used for heartburn symptoms. Popular PPI drugs include Prilosec, Prevacid, Protonix, Aciphex and Nexium. These drugs can cause acute kidney injury, chronic kidney disease, or kidney failure.
PPIs and Kidney Damage, Bone Fractures, Dementia
PPI drugs were, for a long time, considered safe. (As were Vioxx and dozens of other FDA-approved and subsequently-recalled drugs.) However, these so-called heartburn drugs are now linked to several serious health issues, including an increased risk of kidney damage, bone fractures, and dementia. This latest research was published in British Medical Journal (BMJ) Open.
PPI Drugs Raise Risk of Death
Senior author Ziyad Al-Aly, M.D. told ScienceDaily.com: “[N]o matter how we sliced and diced the data from this large set, we saw the same thing: There’s an increased risk of death among PPI users.”
Dangerous Legal Drugs & Failed Treatments
The Washington University findings provide the latest scientific research revealing the serious health risks of common prescription and OTC medications. Recent research has also shown that statin drugs harm more people than they help. Popular antidepressants (or SSRIs), wildly over-prescribed, come with a litany of so-called “side effects” that are at least as damaging as the maladies they are supposed to prevent. Chemotherapy, the only officially sanctioned treatment for cancer, fails 97% of the people who choose it. “Chemo” also spreads or causes new cancer, a well known fact which is somehow difficult to believe, given the barbaric procedure’s widespread acceptance.
Chemotherapy Kills Millions
PharmaDeathClock.com tracks pharmaceutical-induced deaths in the United States and around the world. The web site has reported that chemotherapy alone has killed more than 17 million people since January 1, 2000. Adverse drug reactions have killed more than 1.8 million people. SSRI (psycho) drugs alone have killed more than 700,000 people. These numbers should be a national scandal. Children in our country have been forcibly removed from their families by CPS and forced to take chemo when both the parents and the children have refused the failed treatment. See “The Truth About Cancer” for real life stories of the medical mafia at work in our country under the auspices of the U.S. Government.
- Protonix Kidney Disease Lawsuit
- Proton Pump Inhibitor Inhibitor Disease Lawsuit
- Nexium Kidney Disease Lawsuit
- Prevacid Kidney Failure Lawsuit
- Study: Heartburn Drugs linked to Premature Death

by Matthews & Associates